The situation
You are looking for an AC welding current control for simple spot and projection welding machines.
The welding machine is equipped with an AC welding transformer. The welding conditions are stable and reproducible.
Your requirements
The welding timer should be easy to use. Alternatively, the power settting should also be possible via an external analog signal (0-10V).
Our answer
The Akzent 500 covers the basic functional scope of a simple welding timer for AC welding machines and welding guns. It has the following features:
- 4 or 6 times
- 1 or 8 programs
- Plain text display in German or English
- 50/60 Hz network detection
- Automatic compensation of mains voltage fluctuations
- 1st delayed half-wave adjustable
- Analog input (0-10V) for power specification
- electronic solenoid valve control
- Thyristor power unit from 50 A - 500 A